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second messenger signaling in and around organelles

Principal Investigator
Aldebaran M. Hofer

Aldebaran M. Hofer, PhD
Associate Professor of Surgery
Harvard Medical School

Education & Training

  • Pre-Doctoral Student
    University of California at Berkeley, Physiology, 1988 highest honors
  • PhD
    University of California at Berkeley, Physiology, 1993
  • Post-Doctoral Fellow
    -University of California at Berkeley, Molecular & Cell Biology, 1994
    -II. Physiologisches Institut, Universität des Saarlandes, Germany, 1995-1996
    -Università di Padova, Italy, 1996-1998

Positions & Employment

  • Instructor in Surgery, Harvard Medical School, 1998 – 2001
  • Assistant Professor of Surgery, Harvard Medical School, 2001 – 2010
  • Associate Professor of Surgery, Harvard Medical School (Brigham & Women’s Hospital), 2010 – present
  • Health Research Scientist, VA Boston Healthcare System, 1998-present
  • Deputy Associate Chief of Staff for Research, VA Boston Healthcare System, 2015 – 2020
  • Board of Directors, Boston VA Research Institute, 2021-present
  • Editorial Board Membership: Function, Cell Calcium, Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine

We work on second messenger signaling (calcium and cAMP) in and around organelles. Recent interests include imaging of cAMP/PKA signaling in the primary cilium and in various subdomains of the mitochondrion.

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